Two In The Bush By Paul Brook


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Two In The Bush By Paul Brook

After finding a willing victim you place a business card face down on the table.

You then borrow two coins from the participant. On one coin is drawn a smiley face, on the other a big cross, these coins are given to the participant to inspect, and make sure she knows what is drawn on what coin.

The participant is told that you will both play a game where she has to find the coin with the smiley on, whilst a coin is hidden in each of the performer’s closed fists. Three games will be played, how many does she want to win?

She says two out of the three games.

The coins are mixed around in the performer’s hands, and for three games the participant dictates which games she wins and loses. Amazingly you have the ability to control the outcome of the coins to match what your participant requests. After three games the participant has indeed won two out of the three games like she wanted.

She is amazed by this, and very amused.

But here is the real kicker. Before the effect a business card was placed on the table and after placing it on the table you have never touched it. You ask the participant to turn it over and it reads:

“You will want to win 2 out of the 3 games,

leaving Paul [or your name] with just 1 win!”

A very strong piece of mentalism that you can carry EVERYWHERE!

What You Get:

E-Book – A 44 page E-Book containing the secret to the effect, scripted routine, along with tried and tested subtleties.

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