Tom Stone – Stonebound 2011 @


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Tom Stone – Stonebound 2011

In 2011, Tom Stone published several ground­break­ing essays on advanced mis­direct­ion in Genii magazine. Those texts have been assembled here in an easy-to-digest ebook.


N.B. If you are a Genii subscriber, you don’t need this ebook as you have internet access to all backissues
Tom is one of magic’s most original thinkers, pushing against boundaries most of us had never thought about before.
Richard Kaufman (
Within the pages of Stonebound 2011 you will find:
Cognitive Conjuring
A discussion on the power of ‘change blindness’ including the extraordinary ‘Cognitive Colour Change’. A sublime colour changing deck routine where nothing actually happens, but the audience is convinced you’ve performed a miracle.
You Are Brilliant
A small piece on the misconceptions on creativity and intelligence.
Slower and Slower does the Trick
The concept of ‘Time Resolution’ is discussed here. How to trick the brain with tempo/speed variants and the examples includes how to make the wonderful optical illusion ‘Rubins Vase’ into a stage illusion. Some things are too slow to be seen!
The Dunning-Kruger effect
Discussing cognitive bias and how it effects us as magicians.
Wonders of a Fragmented Vision
How to study ‘Change Blindness’ that naturally occurs within some already existing routines like ‘Card under Glass’ and ‘Cups and Balls’.
No Script is also a Script
It’s not just what you say…but what you don’t say is just as important. How to avoid deluding yourself.
Vision & Velocity Vectors
John Ramsay and Tony Slydini created the groundwork on how to use the gaze and movements for misdirection. But there are holes in their theories, which are patched up in this chapter. A complete breakdown with in-depth illustrations on how to make movements invisible. Almost a scientific approach to ‘what the audience see’s and doesn’t see’ and the result of many years research.
…also include three videoclips as extras
It’s truly sensational. The incredible ‘Cognitive Colour Change’ is a must for all serious card guys. Stonebound 2011 also contains a stunning illusion idea with ‘Rubins Vase’… you need to read this.
Gary Scott (
This ebook is one of the most thought provoking pieces I’ve ever seen on Advanced Misdirection ever. Ignore it at your own risk because if you don’t understand the material in here, you’ll never jump to the level of excellence. The detail Tom gives in explaining how misdirection work and how to use it far surpasses anything I’ve read on the subjects. Stonebound have my highest recommendation.
Steven Youell (
This book is excellent. Stonebound is without a doubt one of the best Ebooks I have! The book is full of great lessons in misdirection with excellent illustrations and figures, and the writings have sparked an extra interest in elements I’ve never considered in magic when I’m performing, including change blindness.. this is astonishing! ‘The Cognitive Colour Change’ is outstanding. In effect, your reprogramming a spectators mind with words and colour to achieve a colour changing deck and more importantly it is the best colour changing deck I have performed and it is such good fun. I give this book 10 out of 10.
Joel Dickinson (

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