The Daily Magician – Fragment


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The Daily Magician – Fragment

To recap:


This one principle lets you have any card freely chosen, lost in the deck, and then…


* Drop the deck and let gravity cut to their card.
* Don’t even touch the deck, simply place it on the table and blow to their card.
* Pretend like you’re Tiger Woods and with one clean stroke, putt to their card.
* With a run up that makes you look like Ronaldo, cleanly kick to their card.
* Place the deck in front of your spectator, and after a simple instruction, they flick to their card.
* In a complete impossibility the spectator picks up as many cards as they like, and it’s revealed they’ve cut to their card.

NOTE: almost all of the above effects can be done easily either by the performer or the spectator.

But the truth is, we’re just scraping the surface of what you can do with Fragment.


Once you understand this principle, you can apply it in so many creative ways.

And there’s even more good news…

It does not require:

* Loops.
* Crimps.
* Bends.
* Breathers.

It can be done:

* With a borrowed deck.
* Completely impromptu.
* Practically anywhere.
* With ZERO sleight of hand.

Plus, it ends 100% CLEAN with the deck instantly ready to be examined. 

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