Splash! by Agon Gashi


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Splash! by Agon Gashi

Take the spectator's selected card, and throw it somewhere impossible. And magically, it's there. The sky's the limit.
In this tutorial you'll have 3 variations:
– Suit to Impossible Location:
The suit that you remove, will go somewhere impossible, wherever you'll throw it, there it will show. In this tutorial you'll learn to throw it in the cardboard box, spectator's hands, and in his pocket. Hundreds more that you can do.
– Extra Evidence
You will show a normal card, which is held safe, and when you take another card, which is the spectator's card, you will remove a suit, and throw it towards that card. Now the card has one more suit, can be examined and everything.
– Suit Skipping:
Now, you will skip a suit from the first card to the second, visually. Let them see, touch, and examine.
Bonus: Valentine's Day
In this bonus application, you can make two love birds to see the magic in between them, and see how they throw the heart to each-other.
Perform surrounded, they can see it, and they can examine it. Everything will look like magic.
Welcome to Splash!

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