Keith is excited to share his ‘real world’ experience with you in his intriguing and insightful lecture notes. They are full of very useful and practical ideas when it comes to getting and keeping a restaurant booking by today’s standards. This is extremely valuable information he has learned as a worker for 30 years in the field of close-up strolling magic, particularly in a restaurant setting. This all-inclusive informative lecture is also specifically designed with the real-world worker in mind. These notes are a blueprint for success designed for you to go out and get a restaurant gig in no time.
Featured will be important restaurant business topics such as:
• Prospecting different types of restaurants
• The all-important ‘table approach’
• The art and science of negotiating fees and contracts
• The controversial subject of tips
• How to pitch a free ‘demonstration night’
• How to prepare for and what to do on ‘the first night’
• Handling certain types of clientele
• Ideas for self-promotion
• And relationship strategies with customers, coworkers and managers.
Lecture Notes are available as a download, hard copy or as a PDF on CD.
“Your lecture has some really great material and was very nicely presented. You're covering a worthwhile subject which many could certainly benefit from. I would highly encourage anyone to get the lecture notes and attend this lecture!”
~ Jay Scott Berry, World Class Magician
“It was a pleasure meeting you and spending some quality time together. Your lecture was excellent. You covered in detail important, real world information for anyone who wants to do restaurant work. It is always valuable to hear the details of the restaurant magic business in such a concise entertaining way. This is a lecture I would recommend to any group!”
~ Mark DeSouza – Lecture Coordinator for Philadelphia, PA