Harry Lorayne – Best of Friends(1-2)


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Harry Lorayne – Best of Friends Vol. 1 & 2
Vol. 1 – These 560 pages are crammed full of good to great to terrific magic by great people. Over 120 card effects, routines, ideas including Ace Sandwich, Future Change, Fast Stack, Quadruple Jeopardy, Sum Hummer, Fascinating Pair, Sweet Four-Card Change, Easy Slider, Mixed-Up Poker, Super Triumph, Voice Print, Produce Four, Vanishing Aces, Strategy, Unshuffled, Reversatility, That's Incredible, Miracle Time, All Systems Go, Force Feed … from people like Tom Mullica, Martin Nash, Larry Jennings, Charles Hudson, Terry Lagerould, Tom Craven, Ed Marlo, Allan Ackerman, Ken Krenzel, Phil Goldstein, Herb Zarrow, J.K. Hartman, Meir Yedid, Bob King, Eddy Taytelbaum, Jim Swain, Paul Gertner, Jon Racherbaumer, Bob Farmer, Bernard Bilis, Ron Ferris, and many more. You'll even find some effects and routines of my own. And you'll enjoy the short biographies of some of your favorite people.

Vol. 2 – The format of this book is the same as that of VOLUME I. The only difference is that this one is not exclusively card magic. And, it does not contain exclusively impromptu material (although most of the material is impromptu). The 'criterion line" was that I'd allow effects using set-ups and/or minor gaffs–things that most magicians have lying around the house anyway or that can be easily made; nothing major. As in VOLUME I, t's a short biography of each contributor. The biographies of repeat contributors are basically the same as in VOLUME I; they've been updated and changed where necessary.

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