Gibecière 32, Summer 2021, Vol. 16, No. 2
We are proud to present issue #32 of our flagship journal, the Gibecière! In this Summer 2021 issue, Enrique Jiménez-Martinez explores the history and legend of Blacaman the Fakir (real name Pietro Aversa) who was famous for his seemingly hypnotic control over dangerous animals like crocodiles and lions. William Kalush introduces readers to "The Power of Magic", the obscure typescript about Max Malini, written by Eddie McGuire. Finally, included in this issue is part four of the translation of J. N. Ponsin's Nouvelle Magie Blanche Dévoilée, as translated by Jean Hugard. This volume consists of tricks for a larger space with fascinating mechanical methods for achieving impossible effects. You may find part three of the translation in Gibecière issue #31, Winter 2021. We hope you will enjoy.
Pocket Notes – Stephen Minch
Blacaman the Fakir: In History and Legend – Enrique Jiménez-Martinez
The Power of Magic – Edward G. McGuire, introduction by William Kalush
Nouvelle Magie Blanche Dévoilée – Part 4 – J.N. Ponsin, translated by Jean Hugard