George West – Ultimate Oil and Water


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This is a really amazing Oil and Water Routine with a patter that revolves around "Disobedient Children"

From an “ordinary” deck, you remove six cards: 3 Hearts (The Little Girls) 3 Clubs (The Little Boys) You turn the cards face down and arrange them in a row, alternating hearts and clubs, explaining that you are  mixing the boys and girls, so they will play together.
But when you turn the cards over to check on the children, you discover that they are no longer mixed! The boys and girls have.. separated on their own.
You try mixing them again. First you sp[lit the girls into two “playroom’s”. The you do the same with the boys. Each room now contains boys and girls.
But, as happened before, when you turn the card over to check on the kids, you see that they have.. separated again!
In frustration, you cram the children into one pile in a tiny little “room”. Alternating; boy, girl, boy and girls, etc.
Amazingly, when the pile is examined, it is found that somehow, crammed as they were, the kids have… separated one again!
In total disgust, you turn the pile over, leaving the children separated. You then discipline them whit a “spanking”. (Tap the cards lightly with your finger.)
All of a sudden when the pile is turned over, we find that the discipline has worked. The kids have…. Mixed themselves up!

– The special gimmicks that are supplied with the instructions make this easy! No sleights!
– No Switches, ready to perform anytime

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