Exploded Process by Matthew Beaudouin & Cardistry Touch
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“An engineer’s insight into the design of Cardistry”
This book is for everyone interested in creating cardistry, whether you started last week or ten years ago. Exploded Process is heavily theoretical and assumes some level of proficiency an understanding of the fundamentals, but is by no means exclusive to experts. By the end of the book, you will better understand the creative rules of cardistry and how to break them in order to keep yourself thinking outside the box.
Discover 64 pages of cardistry theory, with illustrations by world-renowned illustrator Olivier Bonhomme
Physical copies out of stock
We love books. It’s probably our favorite medium to learn about things but it’s also a beautiful, authentic object to display on your coffee table and a great conversation starter. By its nature, the physical book had to be limited, but we felt like the content should live forever, and inspire as many cardists as possible, so we decided to make it available to everyone. Forever.