Apocalypse Now! by Rudy Tinoco (Season 3)
Apocalypse Now! Season 3
Rudy Tinoco performs and teaches the greatest effects from Apocalypse magazine, edited by the legendary Harry Lorayne.
Episode 21: "Inexplicable Miracle" by David Regal From Apocalypse Vol. 14, No. 12 – December, 1991 – As a bonus, Harry speaks about getting drunk on the David Frost Show, and includes how Harry brought David's final show to a classy end.
Episode 22: "How Classics Are Born" by Roger A. Golde From Apocalypse Vol. 14, No. 11 – November, 1991 – In addition, Harry talks about a crazy recreation of the Crucifixion. He also shares his ability to speak Hebrew, and how he and Mel Brooks would use it to speak it in secret.
Episode 23: "Additions to Halo's Revenge" by Harry Lorayne From Apocalypse Vol. 18, No. 6 – June, 1995 – Taught by special guest, Mike Powers! Also, Harry shares a quick story of a vanishing cigarette effect gone wrong.
Episode 24 – "Do It Right And…" by Ori Ashkenazi From Apocalypse Vol. 12, No. 12 – December, 1989 – Taught by Ori Ashkenazi!
Episode 25 – "There's More" by Doug Edwards From Apocalypse Vol. 11, No. 4 – April, 1988 – Harry shares how he taught Anne Bancroft to do a card trick for her role in "Malice" and how his memory techniques helped her memorize scripts. He also shares how he and Anne pulled a prank on Mel Brooks and Rene.
Episode 26: "Joker Poker" by Doug Edwards From Apocalypse Vol. 11, No. 5 – May, 1988 – Harry talks about how he, Rene, and Frank Garcia faked a séance. He shares how his friendship with Frank went sour, and the challenge of crediting. He also talks about getting old and the fear of death.
Episode 27: "Abacus" by Phil Goldstein From Apocalypse Vol. 3, No. 10 – October, 1980 – Also, Harry talks about a time when John Scarne spit in President Hoover's face and when Scarne roughed up Richard Himber in the back room of Tannen's. Harry closes our conversation by speaking about some of his recent challenges with memory.
Episode 28: "The Invisible Hole" by Yoshio Hirose From Apocalypse Vol. 8, No. 3 – March, 1985 – Harry talks about his former smoking habit and how he quit. He also shares a horrible experience with Dr. Bombek.
Episode 29: "Now It's My Problem" by Daniel McCarthy From Apocalypse Vol. 13, No. 8 – August, 1990 – Taught by special guest by Daniel McCarthy!
Episode 30: "Noah's Mixup" by Gene Castillon From Apocalypse Vol. 1, No. 5 – May, 1978 – Also, Harry talks about how a publishing company took advantage of him.