Andrew Mayne – Touching the Sky
A guide to levitating
Take to the Air! Touch the Sky!
Presenting six ways to defy gravity.
Whether you’re performing on stage or in the street, there’s a method for you in Andrew Mayne’s best selling booklet.
Along with new presentations for three classic effects, Andrew Mayne presents three all-new levitations:
BroomFlight – An Andrew Mayne original; be a real life Harry Potter and float on a borrowed broom!
Airborne – Have a seat 6 feet up in the air.
Floating on the Edge – An impromptu levititation that can be performed virtually anywhere.
Mid-Air – A levitation suitable for stage that will leave your audience amazed and cost you less than $20 and 10 minutes to make.
Suspension of Disbelief – Hypnotize your assistant and make them float five feet in the air.
The Street Levitation – A simple, easy to understand explanation of the levitation seen by millions of people on television – that everyone asks you to do.
A levitation for every situation.
Buy it now for only $12 (Free Shipping)