Anagramatic – Sam Schwartz
First conceived in 1963, ANAGRAMATIC is Sam Schwartz's seemingly impossible word divination masterpiece. With the performer's back turned, the spectator chooses one word out of nearly 30 from a stack of index cards. Each word is different and words vary in length, from 5 to 12 letters. The choice is entirely the spectator's. There are no forces, duplicates, glimpses, shills, or marked cards, nor is anything written down or any questions asked. Even so, the performer is able to read the spectator's mind with near perfect accuracy, revealing each letter in the spectator's chosen word, and finally, the word itself. Completely baffling, yet easy to do! Our new PDF provides updated, illustrated instructions along with new, ready-to-print artwork for everything you need to perform this brilliant, Sam Schwartz mental gem. 18 pages.