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Alpha Series Lecture Notes No. 1 – Ian Rowland


Now out of print.- originally retailed at 60.00. Printed in 2003.


Direct from the professional repertoire of one of the greatest exponents of modern Mentalism. Containing high-impact effects and closely guarded secrets, previously only available to the magic fraternity.


These notes are professionally printed and bound to a high standard. They are well written and illustrated, the detail is comprehensive, and the material is all practical, tried-and-tested stuff you really can use.


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In detail:


Drawing Duplication : The spectator makes a simple drawing or JUST THINKS OF A PICTURE !!!. Without any questions you tune in to their thoughts and reproduce the same thing. Amazingly you can do this under test conditions! This is what is described as a real world effect, which uses no gimmicks – just strong mentalism. Once you have learned this and have it in your head, you are ready to present it anyw, any time. No gimmicks. Just use a piece of paper and a pencil or pen and you draw!


Light Metal : this is the best, cleanest, most baffling and funniest 'test conditions' demonstration of metal-bending you will ever present. A member of the audience checks your hands and the spoons right at the start (no extra spoons are added later!), and also checks every aspect of this amazing 'psychic' feat as it unfolds. Yet a freely-selected solid steel spoon is seen to slowly, visibly and openly warp, bend and even break while held gently at the fingertips.


It is beautiful, it is baffling and it is also huge fun. A powerful routine, and it is a sure-fire applause getter. I know you see that a lot in magic ads, but in this case it's true. Guaranteed to hold your audience spellbound.


Thought Flash : a target is randomly thought of, and you cause an image of that target to appear on a previously blank piece of photographic film. This is the easiest and most practical of all 'mental photography' routines: you don't need a camera of any kind, it is totally future proof (do it no matter what they invent next), t are no consumables apart from a small piece of flash paper, and you can carry it around with you anyw The target can be anything you want: famous person, famous place, sports star, a selected brand or product… whatever.


This is a thoroughly baffling routine using simple and familiar principles to devastating effect and it does get audible gasps. It really does! Perform it stage or close-up as you wish. Easy enough to do, no sleights, works every time.


The Subliminal Prediction : How can you put a written prediction on full and open display, right in front of the audience's eyes, such that not one person in the room will see it until you want them to? That's the intriguing premise behind the Subliminal Prediction, and you will love it! I suspect you will want to present this routine right away, just for the joy of that killer finish when you show that your prediction was right t, unconcealed and on open view the whole time – and yet no-one in the audience saw it!


The routine itself is essentially a straightforward prediction effect. Given 16 choices on open display, a spectator makes a series of simple selections so that 16 become 8 become 4, 2 and finally 1, which he is amazed to find matches your prediction. Strong features of this routine are that t is only one prediction and it is set in stone right from the start. The spectator's choices are all genuinely free, and t is definitely no equivocation or magician's choice at any point. You keep what he tells you to keep, you discard what he tells you to discard. Yet it still comes out right! Works every time, not hard to do. Close-up or stage.


Elephant From Matchbox : a silly name for a beautiful principle, which lends itself to any number of different routines and presentations. You invite the spectator to mentally play any game, which has a 50:50 outcome, such as tossing a coin. You write down your …

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