Magic Words by Luke Jermay


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Magic Words is a brand new 156 page (32,461 words) PDF manuscript detailing what I believe to be the very best of my published work to date.  Within, covered in depth is a full 45 minute professional performance focused on divination, telepathy, intuitive readings and transformational magical experiences.  

Nothing is left out.  Every single detail you need to perform this show is revealed and explained including my word for word professional script and theatrical direction.  The best thing?  The props are simple to use, cheap, available anywhere and the entire performance fits inside a small bag!

Magic Words will offer your audience a deeply magical experience that is built only from words. This material reflects a shift in my own thinking about mentalism, mystery arts and performance and serves as a culmination of more than ten years of development in my own professional performances. All of the material contained within this show has the flexibility to be modified to work in a one-on-one setting, right the way up to a full, formal, theatrical show.  It is presented within the manuscript in the format of an intimate performance for a small gathered group as this is the style I have used it in most often.

It is perfect for private events, dinner parties and special gatherings.  It is a deeper, more metaphysical approach to performance mentalism.  If you enjoyed my release ‘The Magic Wand’ then I believe you will love ‘Magic Words.’  It takes the foundations of the approach shared in ‘The Magic Wand’ and builds on them significantly.  This is a different type of performance, offering a different model of what mystery arts can be.  It is not for everyone but no one is everyone.   

The show uses no traditional modes of deception. No window envelopes, no forcing decks, no rough and smooth, no gimmicks, no preshow work. Just words. Just language. Just real magic. Consider, if an illusion is made from only words and those words are true, is it real magic? If we choose to believe in words, we choose to believe in their magic because beneath it all: all words are magical.  Put simply what you will find here as close to real magic as I know to be possible.  

Magic Words is something I am deeply proud of.  It took huge creative effort to craft the experience and I have shared all of the results of that effort in the manuscript.  I believe it has the potential to change the way you think about mentalism forever.  I know creating it and performing it change the way I think.  


Magic Words is a fully scripted, fully immersive professional mystery performance and it is priced to reflect this. Please respect the work by not sharing it.  


What is the effect?

It is hard to describe the ‘effect’ of the show in the manner we are accustomed to in the literature.  It is not a single effect but rather a theatrically structure progression of effects that together form a full experience.  The show features demonstrations of divination (using a very special, unique oracle that sees publication for the first time) but really focuses on our ability to use our thoughts to create our reality.  Over the course of the performance audience members use their own thoughts to alter their own realities.  This abstract notion is not pipe dream demonstrations but rather underpinned with classical theatrically satisfying demonstrations that feel amazing to real human beings and are reliable and refined.  People experience phobia removals, someone changes their sense of taste, someone becomes so strong that the largest member of the group can not move or lift them and much more.  You may recognise some of the premises within the show itself from our collective history but I assure you, they have never been presented like this before.  Beyond all, the value of this show is in the script and approach.  It is within the scripting and delivery that simple demonstrations are reframed into deep, amazing and unique experiences.   

What is included with my purchase:

An instant download of a professionally edited and designed PDF file.  The PDF file is 156 pages of text made up of 32,461 words.  The first fifty (50) people to purchase will also be invited to attend a special live virtual seminar on the material, which will be made available for download exclusively to them afterwards.  Please note: this seminar is only for the first fifty purchasers.  If you are not one of the first fifty, your purchase will include only the PDF file.  

Does it use hypnosis?

No hypnosis is used in the show.  At most ‘suggestion’ is used to assist and amplify the impact of the script and the demonstrations but you do not need to know any hypnosis techniques to present the show.

Does it use electronics?

Nope!  I do use music within the show, using a portable bluetooth speaker which I place in the room I am performing in but this aside no electronics are used.  

Does it use sleight of hand?

Nope!  The show uses no traditional forms of deception.  No gimmicks, no tricks.  Just words and shared experiences of mystery.    

What props are needed?

The props used in the show are easy to construct, cheap, un-gimmicked and require no arts and crafts.  They are simple items that can be found literally everywhere in the world.  If you were to find yourself in some strange place, with no props, you could assemble what you need to present this show within 30 minutes.  The props themselves fit into a small bag or briefcase and the show is designed to be self contained.

Where can I do this show?

This is not the traditional ‘show’ experience.  It is something deeper than applause cues.  I would not suggest performing this show in a comedy club! However, this is the perfect show to present to an audience of interested, intelligent and curious people.  I love performing it for smaller groups but the performance itself can be scaled to work bigger when needed.  The performance is also perfect for virtual settings.  Indeed, much of the material was included in my own virtual show ‘Strange Ceremonies’.

How long is the show?

The show runs anywhere between 35 and 45 minutes depending on how I choose to handle pacing on the evening.  When I need it to run faster I pick up the pace.  The show is also constructed in a modular nature.  Meaning if you wished, you could present smaller sections from within it as stand alone shorter performance pieces.   

What performance rights are granted?

Put simple: all of them.  My highest hope with the material I release is that others will benefit from it and use it in the real world.  I do not with hold any rights to any release.  It is yours to do with, whatever you wish.  I only wish for it to bring amazement and joy to you and your audiences.

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