Miraculous Hindu Feats – Joseph Ovette


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Miraculous Hindu Feats – Joseph Ovette

“Every so often an increase in the number of ‘fakir’ demonstrations is noted not only in this country but abroad. In some cases the performer is buried alive, or subjected to tortures beyond those the human flesh, or mind, can endure.

“Oft times, these feats strike the fancy of the public and huge salaries are given the fakirs. The demand for such a book as this one, as a result, has grown and we hope that the answer to many of these feats will be satisfactorily explained to the reader. Here, too, may be a little idea for which the legitimate performer has been seeking and it is hoped that this work will furnish that desired aid.

“No one was ever hurt by knowledge, but since many of these feats herein explained are dangerous, (we) wish to add that one who plays with fire must in turn expect to get burned. There is one thing in knowing how certain tricks are done and an entirely different aspect to be considered in doing them. Let this then serve as a warning: let the performer beware!”

-Needle Jabbing
-Buried Alive
-Drinking Acid
-The Human Fountain
-Piercing The Tongue
-And many more…

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