Tetra-Red by Jennifer Gwinn


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Tetra-Red by Jennifer Gwinn
Tetra-Red is a random looking tetradistic memorized deck which you can shuffle into from New Deck Order. It is easily transformable between Si Stebbins as well as The Redford Stack — it is highly compatible with The Redford Stack even being able to transform just half of a stack at a time. There are a lot of unique features a tetradistic memdeck offers. Tetra-Red is the memorized deck Allan Ackerman now uses after switching from his old tetradistic memdeck which he used for over 50 years.

Poker. Tetra-Red has many great poker deals built in, like dealing any royal flush of any suit for any number of players in either Hold’em or Poker. You can also deal any named straight flush of any suit for either Hold’em or Poker. You can deal any named four of a kind for either Hold’em or Poker.

Spelling. Tetra-Red also has a lot of great spelling capabilities — e.g. Spellicosis in the book.

A book for all memdeck workers. This is also a book for every memorized deck worker as it has many stack independent routines and utilities in it.

The Tetra-Red book is a living document written by Jennifer Gwinn in collaboration with many contributing magicians. It is available for free to those who have purchased any of the following:

Allan Ackerman’s All-In Volumes I & II
Patrick Redford’s Sleightly Out of Order or his upcoming book Completely Out of Order
I recommend purchasing both Allan’s and Patrick’s books, including Patrick’s Temporarily Out of Order.

The latest version of the Tetra-Red book is available in the password protected Tetra-Red Toolshed area of this website. See Allan Ackerman’s All-In Volume I, page 50, paragraph two, for the password. Or get the toolshed password from within Patrick Redford’s Sleightly Out of Order Toolbox — the link and the password for Patrick’s toolbox is in his Sleightly Out of Order book, two pages before the Table of Contents.

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