product description:
VOL 1:
01.- Geoffrey Buckingham (1 Manipulacion 1949, 1 Close-up 1949, Grand Prix 1951)
02.- Carlo Tornedo (1 Manipulacion 1950, 1 Manipulacion 1951)
03.- Fred Kaps (Grand Prix 1950, 1 Cartomagia 1955, Grand Prix 1955, Grand Prix 1961)
04.- Marconick (1 Manipulacion 1955, 1 General 1961)
05.- Gogia Pasha (2 Micromagia 1958)
06.- Phoa Yan Tiong (1 Micromagia 1958)
07.- Dr. Rama (1 Invento 1958, 1 Salon 1961, 3 Cartomagia 1964, 1 Invento 1964)
08.- Claude Rix (2 Manipulacion 1958, 3 Manipulacion 1961, 2 Micromagia 1964, 2 General 1964)
09.- Pierre Brahma (3 Manipulacion 1958, 1 Manipulacion 1961, Grand Prix 1964, Grand Prix 1976)
10.- Les Andreals (1 Escenario 1961)
11.- Piet Forton (1 Cartomagia 1961, 1 Cartomagia 1964, 1 Cartomagia 1967)
12.- Julio Carabias (2 Comica 1964)
13.- Finn Jon (2 General 1964)
VOL 2:
14.- Mr. Cox (Grand Prix 1964, 2 Invento 1973)
15.- Di Sato (2 Manipulacion 1964, Grand Prix 1967)
16.- Pan Zero (3 Escenario 1967)
17.- Johnny Lonn (3 Manipulacion 1967)
18.- Tony Binarelli (2 Cartomagia 1967, 2 Cartomagia 1970)
19.- Dick Koornwinder (3 Cartomagia 1970)
20.- Juan Anton (2 Micromagia 1970)
21.- Arturo de Ascanio (3 Micromagia 1970, 1 Cartomagia 1970 *])
22.- Juan Tamariz (2 Micromagia 1970, 1 Cartomagia 1973 *])
23.- Topper Martyn (1 Comica 1970, 2 Comica 1973, 2 Comica 1982)
VOL 3: FISM Magicians Part 3
24.- Magic Christian (2 Manipulacion 1970, 1 Manipulacion 1973, 1 Manipulacion 1976, 3 Invento 1979, 1 Close-up 1979, 1 Manipulacion 1979)
25.- Richard Ross (Grand Prix 1970, Grand Prix 1973)
26.- Peter Gloviczki (2 Manipulacion 1973)
27.- Petrick Gold (Especial 1973)
28.- Jean Merlin (2 Micromagia 1973)
29.- Tony Cachadina (3 Cartomagia 1973, 2 Cartomagia 1976)
30.- Camilo Vazquez (1 Micromagia 1973 *])
31.- Aldo Colombini (2 Micromagia 1976 *])
32.- Trevor Lewis (1 Cartomagia 1976)
33.- Roy Gardner & Wittus Witt (1 Comica 1976 *])
34.- The Morettis (1 Escenario 1976)
35.- Ger Copper (2 Manipulacion 1976, Grand Prix 1979 *])
VOL 4:
36.- Gambin (Especial 1979 *])
37.- Louis Gambino (3 Juvenil 1979 *])
38.- Ferry Gerats (3 Comica 1979 *])
39.- The Fantasios (2 General 1979)
40.- Sanada (2 Manipulacion 1979, Especial 1982 *])
41.- Peki (2 Manipulacion 1979, 3 Manipulacion 1985)
42.- Vito Lupo (1 General 1979 *])
43.- Jean-Jacques Sanvert (1 Cartomagia 1979 *])
44.- Hans Moretti (1 Mentalismo 1979)
45.- Tommy Wonder (2 Micromagia 1979, 2 General 1988 *])
46.- John Cornelius (1 Micromagia 1979, 1 Cartomagia 1985 *])
VOL 5:
47.- Terry Herbert (3 Comica 1982 *])
48.- Orfi (2 Escenario 1982)
49.- Jay Scott Berry (2 General 1982)
50.- Otto Wessely (1 Comica 1982 *])
51.- Arsene Lupin (2 Manipulacion 1982, 2 Manipulacion 1991, 3 Invento 2003)
52.- Pavel (1 Invento 1982 *])
53.- Michael Ammar (1 Micromagia 1982 *])
54.- Philippe Socrate (1 General 1982 *])
55.- Aurelio Paviato (1 Micromagia 1982 *])
56.- Daryl (1 Cartomagia 1982 *])
57.- Pepe Carroll (2 Cartomagia 1982, 1 Cartomagia 1988 *]) (No se incluye en el video)
58.- Davido (1 Manipulacion 1982, 1 General 1985 *])
59.- Lance Burton (Grand Prix 1982 *])
VOL 6:
60.- Scott Cervine (3 General 1985)
61.- Robert Baxt (3 Comica 1985 *])
62.- Fukai & Kimika (2 General 1985)
63.- Mahka Tendo (2 Manipulacion 1985)
64.- Joel & Jill (2 Comica 1985)
65.- Michael Weber (2 Micromagia 1985)
66.- Sam Angelico (1 Comica 1985 *])
67.- Paul Gertner (1 Micromagia 1985 *])
68.- Javier & Ana (Grand Prix 1985)
69.- Johnny Ace Palmer (1 Micromagia 1985, Grand Prix 1988 *])
VOL 7:
70.- Tom Mullica (3 Comica 1988 *])
71.- The Napoleons (3 Escenario 1988)
72.- Ronald Moray (3 Mentalismo 1988)
73.- Markus Gabriel (3 Manipulacion 1988)
74.- Yuka (3 General 1988 *])
75.- Yogano Jr (3 Invento 1988)
76.- John Carney (2 Micromagia 1988, 2 Micromagia 1991)
77.- Roberto Giobbi (2 Cartomagia 1988, 2 Cartomagia 1991)
78.- Vic & Fabrini (1 General 1988 *])
79.- Topas (2 Manipulacion 1988, 1 Manipulacion 1991 *])
80.- Cyril Harvey (3 Manipulacion 1991 *])
VOL 8:
81.- Helge Thun (3 Cartomagia 1991)
82.- Enric Magoo (3 Comica 1991)
83.- Jean Pierre Vallarino (3 Micromagia 1991 *])
84.- Alpha (2 General 1991)
85.- Timothy Wenk (2 Invento 1991 *])
86.- Tom Voss (2 Escenario 1991)
87.- Gill & Dany (1 Comica 1991)
88.- Juan Mayoral (1 General 1991)
89.- Francis Tabary (1 Micromagia 1991 *])
90.- Lennart Green (1 Cartomagia 1991 *])
VOL 9:
91.- Simo Aalto (3 Micromagia 1991, 2 Micromagia 1997, 1 Micromagia 2000 *])
92.- Vladimir Danilin (Grand Prix 1991 *])
93.- Jean-Philippe Loupi (3 Comica 1994, 3 Comica 2012)
94.- Yuji Yasuda (3 Escenario 1994)
95.- Dr. Marrax (3 Comica 1994, 3 Escenario 2003)
96.- Peter Marvey (3 Manipulacion 1994)
97.- Viktor Voitko (2 General 1994 *])
98.- Tim Ellis (2 Micromagia 1994 *])
99.- Fantasio (2 Comica 1994 *])
100.- Cyril Takayama (2 Escenario 1994 *])
101.- Takamitsu Uchida (2 Manipulacion 1994)
Vol. 10: FISM Magicians Part 10
[103] Rocco Silano (2 Micromagia 1994, Original 2006
- )
[104] Greg Frewin (1 General 1994)
[105] Adrian Guerra (1 Cartomagia 1994)
[106] Carl Cloutier (1 Micromagia 1994 - )
[107] Henry Evans (3 Cartomagia 1994, 1 Cartomagia 2000 - )
[108] Franklin (Grand Prix 1994 - )
[109] Roy Davenport (3 Manipulacion 1997)
[110] Sonny Fontana (3 General 1997 - )
[111] Jorg Alexander (3 Mentalismo 1997, 3 Cartomagia 1997)
[112] Richard McDougall (2 Comica 1997 - )
[113] Juan Carlos Rodarte (2 Invento 1997)
[114] Hans Klok & Sittah (2 Escenario 1997 - )
Vol. 11: FISM Magicians Part 11
[115] Boris Wild (2 Cartomagia 1997 - )
[116] Koichi Sugaya (2 General 1997 - )
[117] Manuel Muerte (3 Micromagia 1997, 2 Micromagia 2000 - )
[118] Juliana Chen (1 Manipulacion 1997 - )
[119] Carlos Barragan (1 Escenario 1997 - )
[120] Junge Junge (1 General 1997 - )
[121] Die Zauderer (3 Comica 1997, 2 Comica 2000, 1 Salon 2003, 2 General 2006, 1 Comica 2006)
[122] Ivan Necheporenko (Grand Prix 1997 - )
[123] Thomas Fraps & Gaston (3 Cartomagia 2000 - )
[124] Eduardo Peres (3 Manipulacion 2000)Vol. 12: FISM Magicians Part 12
[125] The Maestro (3 Comica 2000 - )
[126] Roxanne (3 General 2000 - )
[127] Yumi Nakajima (2 General 2000)
[128] Yunke (2 Escenario 2000 - )
[129] Nicolai Friedrich (3 Mentalismo 2000 - , 2 Mentalismo 2009)
[130] Gregory Wilson (3 Cartomagia 2000, 2 Cartomagia 2003)
[131] Michael Ross (1 Invento 2000 - )
[132] Hexer (1 Escenario 2000)
[133] Mask (1 General 2000 - )
[134] Kenji Minemura (1 Manipulacion 2000, 3 Manipulacion 2003)
[135] Miguel Puga (2 Cartomagia 2000, 1 Cartomagia 2003 - )
[136] Norbert Ferre (2 Manipulacion 2000, 1 Manipulacion 2003, Grand Prix 2003 - )
[137] Scott & Muriel (Grand Prix 2000 - )
[138] Ferenc Galambos (3 Micromagia 2003 - )
Vol. 13: FISM Magicians Part 13
[139] Danny Cole (3 General 2003)
[140] Robert Jagerhorn (3 Salon 2003)
[141] Mirko Callaci (3 General 2003 - )
[142] Etienne Pradier (3 Cartomagia 2003)
[143] Simon Pierro (2 General 2003)
[144] Inaki Zabaleta (2 Cartomagia 2003)
[145] Ken Bardowicks (2 Salon 2003)
[146] Jan Ditgen (2 Invento 2003 - )
[147] Nick Einhorn (2 Micromagia 2003)
[148] Prince of Illusions (2 Escenario 2003, 1 Escenario 2012)
[149] Eun Gyeol Lee (2 Manipulacion 2003, 1 General 2006 - )
Vol. 14: FISM Magicians Part 14
[150] Shawn Farquhar (2 Micromagia 2003, 2 Salon 2006, 2 Micromagia 2006, 1 Cartomagia 2009, Grand Prix 2009 - )
[151] Pat Perry & Archibald (1 General 2003 - )
[152] Jason Latimer (1 Micromagia 2003, 1 Invento 2003, Grand Prix 2003 - )
[153] Kiko Pastur (3 Cartomagia 2006)
[154] Dion (3 General 2006)
[155] Arthur Trace (3 Manipulacion 2006)
[156] David Stone (3 Micromagia 2006 - )
[157] Hugo Valenzuela (2 Escenario 2006, Original 2006)
[158] Marc & Alex (2 Escenario 2006 - )
[159] David Sousa (2 Manipulacion 2006 - )
Vol. 15: FISM Magicians Part 15
[160] Juan Ordeix (2 Mentalismo 2006)
[161] Mikael Szanyiel (2 Comica 2006, 2 Comica 2012)
[162] Dai Binchun (1 Manipulacion 2006 - )
[163] Gaston (1 Salon 2006 - )
[164] Sittah (1 Escenario 2006 - )
[165] Rob & Emiel (3 Mentalismo 2006, 2 Mentalismo 2009)
[166] Mathieu Bich (1 Invento 2006 - )
[167] Helder Guimaraes (1 Cartomagia 2006)
[168] Pilou (Grand Prix 2006 - )
[169] Rick Merrill (1 Comica 2006, Grand Prix 2006 - )
[170] An Ha Lim (3 Manipulacion 2009 - )
Vol. 16: FISM Magicians Part 16
[171] Simon Coronel (3 Micromagia 2009, Original 2012)
[172] Siebensinn (3 General 2009 - )
[173] Olmac (3 Cartomagia 2009)
[174] Latko (3 Salon 2009 - )
[175] Tony Montana (3 Mentalismo 2009 - )
[176] Johan Stahl (3 Micromagia 2009, 2 Salon 2012)
[177] Charming Choi (Original 2009 - )
[178] Cheffmagic (3 Comica 2009 - )
[179] Ma Yanyan (2 General 2009 - )
[180] Vittorio Belloni (2 Micromagia 2009, 3 Micromagia 2012)
[181] Sebastian Nicolas (2 Manipulacion 2009)
[182] Charlie Caper (2 Salon 2009 - )
[183] Brynolf & Ljung (2 Comica 2009 - )
[184] Kristian Nivala (2 Cartomagia 2009 - )
[185] Jorge Luengo (1 Invento 2009)Vol. 17: FISM Magicians Part 17
[186] Yo Kato (1 Manipulacion 2009 - )
[187] Marc Oberon (1 Salon 2009 - )
[188] Han Seol-Hui (1 Manipulacion 2009 - )
[189] Soma (1 Genral 2009, Grand Prix 2009 - )
[190] Guy Barrett (3 Escenario 2012)
[191] Ta Na Manga (3 General 2012)
[192] Red Tsai (3 Micromagia 2012)
[193] Kim Hyun Joon (3 Manipulacion 2012)
[194] Zeki Yoo (3 Cartomagia 2012 - )
[195] Christoph Kuch (2 Mentalismo 2012)
[196] Jaque (2 Micromagia 2012)Vol. 18: FISM Magicians Part 18
[197] Les Chapaux Blancs (2 General 2012)
[198] Cubic Act (2 Escenario 2012 - )
[199] Marvelous Matthew Wright (2 Salon 2012 - )
[200] Patrick Lehnen (2 Cartomagia 2012 - )
[201] Tango (1 Invento 2012 - )
[202] Marko Karvo (1 General 2012)
[203] Doble Mandoble (1 Comica 2012 - )
[204] Andost (1 Micomagia 2012) - )
[205] Yu Ho-Jin (1 Manipulacion 2012, Grand Prix 2012 - )
[206] Yann Frisch (1 Salon 2012, Grand Prix 2012 - )