MINT 1977 – 1979 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James
The Annotated M.I.N.T. series concludes. It is now complete. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 – 1979 (M.I.N.T. I, and II) are now available in 14 Volumes, plus, in a 15th volume, all the Index, Table of Contents, and Bibliography for all 14 volumes. After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963 through 1976 this volume again departs by including three years of material. It includes the years 1977-1979 – comprised of some longer and broader Marlo explorations. As Wesley progressed toward completing the full run of Marlo In New Tops, plus his extensive annotations, observations, and Bonus material, he wanted to be fair to Marlo fans, and to his readers by combining years to create fuller volumes. These articles provide numerous innovative and ground-breaking concepts, sleights, plots, and subtleties that have been largely unavailable since the run of the New Tops ended, notwithstanding the flat text of L & L's MINT I and II. If those books had been sufficient, Ed's material would almost certainly be better understood and in far wider use.
Wesley James had already completed the task of fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes with M.I.N.T III through VI, keeping Eddie's material available "for the guys." Now, he has brought his insights to Ed Marlo's earlier New Tops articles (M.I.N.T. I, and II). If you truly want to understand, benefit from, and incorporate Ed Marlo's material as, till now, only those who knew him well can and do, these are books you will want to own and treasure for years to come.
If you truly want to incorporate Marlo's material in your repertoire, you will need to own and study the material as Wesley has. Wesley has greatly eased your task. In tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted these volumes to offer much more, hence his annotations, clarifications, corrections – both logical and grammatic – plus Wesley's insightful personal notes. Many of those notes are complimentary, some critical, but all are informative, often enlightening.
Wesley has often stated, "One can't perform card magic without a tip of the hat to Ed Marlo." Wesley's friend of more than 25 years, Ed Marlo inspired a wealth of material that Wesley developed, massaged, enhanced, and adapted through his years of extensive performance experience. Among Wesley's creations are full routines inspired by Marlo techniques, built on Marlo foundations, plus new routines – many for the first time in any source.
If you're devoted to card magic, you need to own these volumes. The combination of clarified Marlo material, Wesley's notes, and the original Wesley James routines create and should continue to enhance Marlo's legacy for those that absorb them, and students of Wesley James material will want to explore his material in depth.
If you already own MINT III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 through 1976, you can now go ahead, knowing that the full run of Marlo In New Tops material is available as more than flat text. At the same time, you'll add to your collection of Wesley James' creations, and benefit from his detailed descriptions, analysis, and historical perspective. Rarely have volumes offered so much to those who are serious about card magic. Some of what you'll read is easy while some is more technically challenging, but it's all been made practical so you can add it to your repertoire. This is the final book of the series but Wesley wanted to make it as easy as possible to locate the material in the 14 volumes, identify the amazingly prolific output and recognize the various sources that have fed and been inspired by Ed and Wesley's work so he has created the Annotated M.I.N.T Complete Index, Contents, and Bibliography, the 15th volume of the series (see the separate announcement).
The entire 1977-1979 collection, plus corrected illustrations, and Wesley's plentiful added Notes and Bonus material are all in this volume. The 135+ page ebook price is just $60 and, as you'll see from the Table of Contents below, you'll want to learn all it offers. Don't wait to be blown away by this mix of older Marlo material and Wesley's insightful Notes and cutting-edge creations. It's all here for you now.
- Preface
- Introduction
- Table of Contents
- 1977
- THE INEXPLICABLE REVERSE, Volume 17, No 2, February 1977
- The Inexplicable Result
- The Clean-Up
- WJ on the Inexplicable Reverse
- Vernon Transfer or James Transfer
- TRITE TRICKERY, Volume 17, No 4, April 1977
- WJ on Trike Trickery
- Technicolor Impressionist
- Tabled Diminishing Lift Switch (T-DLS)
- Patter
- Cheering them on
- Technicolor Impressionist
- A VOICE FROM THE PAST, Volume 17, No 6, June 1977
- WJ on A Voice from the Past
- A Sensitive Pair
- WRIST TURN CHANGE PLUS, Volume 17, No 7, July 1977
- Alternate Version
- WJ on Marlo's Wrist Turn Change Plus
- THE ONE YOU CHOOSE IS THE ONE WE USE, Volume 17, No 8, August 1977
- The Prepared Case
- The Lap Index
- Notes on the use of the Lap Index
- WJ on The One You Chose is the One We Use
- The WJ Bonus Index
- ONE WAY, TWO SELECTIONS, Volume 17, No 11, November 1977
- WJ on One Way, Two Selections
- THE INEXPLICABLE REVERSE, Volume 17, No 2, February 1977
- 1978
- TWO LIMITED SELECTION EFFECTS, Volume 18, No 1, January 1978
- Effect #1 – Buffalo'd into Vanishing
- Effect #2 – Limited Selection Plus
- WJ on Two Limited Selection Effects
- Disguised WJ Limited Selection Procedure
- The Limited Selection Revelation
- REVERSED IMAGE, Volume 18, No 2, February 1978
- WJ on Reversed Image
- WJ Revised Image Opening
- Segue Sequence
- WJ Revised Ending
- SIMPLEX D.C.D., Volume 18, No 3, March 1978
- Simple Double Deal
- WJ on Simplex D.C.D.
- Cut Return Finesse
- Revised Handling for D.C.D.
- DOUBLE D.C.D., Volume 18, No 4, April 1978
- Solomon Variation
- WJ on Double D.C.D.
- TOUCH TURN IN REVERSE, Volume 18, No 8, August 1978
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three
- Part Four
- Part Five
- Part Six
- Alternative Endings
- First Alternative
- Second Alternative
- Third Alternative
- First Displacement
- Second Displacement
- Third Displacement
- Fourth Displacement
- Fifth Displacement
- Sixth Displacement
- WJ on Touch Turn Reverse
- Turn Me Down, Why Don't You
- TWO LIMITED SELECTION EFFECTS, Volume 18, No 1, January 1978
- 1979
- MARLO'S ALMOST PERFECT STOP TRICK, Volume 19, No 1, January 1979
- WJ on Marlo's Almost Perfect Stop Trick
- Stopped Cold
- No. 1 The Leipzig Stop Trick
- No. 2 Marlo Application
- No. 3
- No. 4
- No. 5
- No. 6
- WJ on Block Turnover Principle…Applications
- Managing Application #6
- Modified Block Turnover
- RED-BLACK TRANSPO, Volume 19, No 3, March 1979
- Repeat Stand-Up Transpositions
- First Method
- Second Method
- WJ on Red Black Transpo/Repeat Stand-Up Transpositions
- VARIATION OF PHASE FOUR, Volume 19, No 4, April 1979
- WJ on Variations of Phase Four
- Success of the Sleuth
- MENTAL RESELECTION, Volume 19, No 5, May 1979
- First Method
- Second Method
- Third Method
- Fourth Method
- WJ on Mental Reselection
- You're Not Psychic, But Your Wife…
- The WJ Push Switch
- Important Tips
- In Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Marlo Publications (By Date)
- General Bibliography
- Marketed Tricks & Manuscripts
- Marlo Book Contributions
- Marlo Contributions to Magazine
- Index
1st edition 2024, PDF 136 pages.