Zenneth Kok – Cards You Softly


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Zenneth Kok – Cards You Softly

Zenneth's first Australian Lecture Tour Notes, materials presented in this set of lecture notes are impromptu, easy to do and practical card magic.
Some Variations
Life is Dangerous – This is a lazy man's version of Jerry Sadowitz’s Prone to Live Dangerously.
Thanks to Duffie – A variation on Peter's Illusion versus Reality.
69 By Play – A visual multiple transposition of two cards.
Strange Prediction – This is a small kicker finish to Roy Walton's Strange Prediction which makes it appear that the spectator has managed to find four of a kind in addition to his own selection.
The Other Face of the Queen – This is a popular trick in Hong Kong and uses the fact that not all Queens in a pack of cards look in the same direction.
Zenneth's favourite One Two Punch of all time
No Money No Honey – A variation of The Gem-Money Cards by Allan Ackerman & Dean Dill.
3 Phases Monte – After the performance of No Money No Honey, we can proceed to this three phase Monte routine and make use of the three notes left on the table as part of the presentation.
Thought Stealer – A handling suggestion for this classic trick from the Royal Road to Card magic, which is a perfect sequel for David Williamson's Liar’s Poker.
Something Novel
Transitivity – Not another card trick, but an intriguing manipulation sequence which deceives your spectator’s attention.
Transitive Split
Too Good to be True – Reveal a merely thought of card
  * no gimmick
  * no stack
  * no card system
  * no funny moves
  * 100% sure fire
  * can be done with a borrow deck
  * you never glance through the face of the deck

hence the title
Bonus Effect
Biddled Across Redux (Benny Lau) – A fresh and brilliant presentation for the classic Biddle trick.

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